
Climate Research

Duration:2007-2023  Updated:2024/06/21

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Under climate change, society needs more comprehensive scientific studies to support various actions to mitigate warming and adapt to climate. Hence, the Delta Electronics Foundation collaborates with academic and research institutions to conduct in-depth research to track the latest climate change issues and trends.

Since 2007, the Foundation has participated in various research projects, and the topics range from green building and energy policies to electric vehicles. The researchers and scholars involved in these projects come from renowned climate research institutions, including the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE), Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI), and Risk Society and Policy Research Center, forming a robust network to provide objective data and evaluation to support climate policy-making.

In 2022, given the increasingly ambitious pledges from the private sector, the Foundation cooperated with Chung-Hua Institution for Economic Research (CIER) and Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), producing a study to guide companies to implement the internal carbon pricing (ICP) system. The report not merely features explicit explanations for every ICP mechanism but also includes multiple case studies to make each more understandable. Through this research project, the Foundation hopes to engage more enterprises interested in implementing ICP systems and thus expand the influence of the private sector to respond to the threat of climate change.

Research projects conducted in the past years: 

2007 Green Building Theme Library-Taipei City Library Beitou Branch Project
2008 Car Idle Test Execution Plan
2009 Delta Office Building Green Roof Insulation Measurement And Evaluation Plan
2010-12  The Mitigation Effectiveness of Green Roofs and Parks on the Urban Heat Island Effect 
2010-12  Urban Vulnerability Definition and Evaluation of Adaptive Policies in the New Era of Storm Rainfall
2012-13  The National Telephone Survey Project on Taiwan's Climate Change
2012-13  Studies on Revolution and Relevant Strategies of Electricity Rates in Taiwan
2013-14  The Feasibility Study of the Promotion of Energy White Certification in Taiwan
2014-15  Analysis of the Removal of Fossil Fuel Subsidy Policy: An International Trend and the Current Situation in Taiwan
2014-15  Study on the Context of School-based Disaster Management (Chinese, English)
2015 The Institutional Pathway to Green Economy: Taiwan's Environmental Policy Stringency and Energy Transition (1990-2014)
2015-16  Studies on Revolution and Relevant Strategies of Electricity Rates in Taiwan (2015)
2016-17 Research and Analysis of Fossil Fuel Subsidy Reform Policy in Taiwan
2017  Research on International Green Climate Financial Development: A Probe into the Participation Mechanism of Public and Private Partners
2018  Local High-Impact Energy Efficiency Strategies Toolkit (Chinese, English)
2019  Impact Assessment of Electric Vehicle Introduction of V2G on Power Supply and Demand
2019-20  Community Resilience Planning and Clean Energy Initiatives
2022-23  Introduction of Internal Carbon Pricing: Methods and Application (Chinese, English)


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