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Delta Electronics Foundation was founded in 1990 by Mr. Bruce Cheng, in recognition of the fact that the society had laid a solid groundwork for the growth of Delta Electronics, Inc. The foundation was initially set up to nurture scientific and technological talents through sponsoring academic researches. In response to climate change and global warming, the foundation has prioritized climate mitigation and adaptation works in decades.
Today the foundation channels resources into 4 main areas of work: "Energy and Climate", "Green Building and Transport", "Biodiversity", and "Green-collar Talent Cultivation". We principally devote resources to projects that decarbonize the industry, building and transport sectors, as well as facilitate marine protection and biodiversity conservation. Meanwhile, we establish practices and continue to communicate climate issues with the general populace through social media. We additionally work with leading domestic and international climate think tanks and non-governmental organizations to exert an ongoing policy influence.
Delta Electronics Foundation is committed to climate mitigation and adaptation works. We aim to offer society the latest climate science analyses to enhance information accessibility. On the other hand, we hope to boost the capacity building of society through innovative mitigation and adaptation practices.
Message from Bruce
Since the industrial revolution, due to the emission of GHGs, we are now experiencing global warming and extreme climates and witnessing more and more frequent natural disasters year by year. Although we have reached a consensus to prevent global warming, we are more likely to speak many words rather than take more concrete action. We are not working hard enough to tackle this urgent issue.
Delta Electronics with the mission, "To provide innovative, clean and energy-efficient solutions for a better tomorrow", has been devoted to the research and development of highly efficient electronics products and green technology. It has always been the hope of Delta that we can make more contributions to society in addition to providing technological solutions. This is my initial objective to establish Delta Electronics Foundation.
Over decades the Foundation has been focusing on climate education, communication, and practices to decarbonize the industry, building, and transport sector. Given the biodiversity loss around the world, the Foundation further launches marine conservation projects to facilitate the adaptive capacity of the ecosystem.
I believe that as a successful enterprise, we should think beyond profits, and be the leader in fighting against climate change. The Foundation will keep endeavoring to develop more climate actions and expand more stakeholders' engagement.