Duration:2005 until now Updated:2024/06/21
Since 2005, Delta has provided Delta Netherlands Environmental Scholarship, which aims to encourage youths to advance their learnings in the Netherlands and propose solutions to climate and environmental issues. The scholarship offers NT$250,000 to each graduate student and is open to applicants between January and April every year. It is available for all applicants and not tied to any specific subject. When delivering the application, applicants need to discourse upon how their majors relate to the environment.
Until 2023, a total of 111 applicants have been awarded and are working for sustainability in government, NGOs, businesses, and research institutions after completing their studies.
The awardee list:
ZHANG, YU-JING (Sustainable Business and Innovation, Utrecht University)
ZHANG, LI-XUAN (European Wind Energy, Delft University of Technology)
YANG, ER-WEN (Environmental Science, Wageningen University & Research)
CHEN, QUN-YUE (European and International Business Law (Focusing on the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism), Leiden University)
XU, YI-YING (Sustainable Development, Utrecht University)
ZHANG, RONG-TING (Sustainable Energy Technology, Delft University of Technology)
YANG, NIAN-HENG (Berlage Post-Master in Architecture & Urban Design, Delft University of Technology)
LI, XIN-TIAN (Materials Science and Engineering, Delft University of Technology)
LI, GUAN-YING (Sustainable Governance, Leiden University)
XU, FANG-JIA (International Relations and Diplomacy, Leiden University)
LI, ZI (Mechanical Engineering, Delft University of Technology)
LIAO, WEI-YING (Sustainable Development, Utrecht University)
LIU, GUAN-TING (Architecture Urbanism and Building Sciences, Delft University of Technology)
CHEN, ZHI-CHANG (Earth Surface and Water, Utrecht University)
CHEN,ZHEN-YA (EIT InnoEnergy, Eindhoven University of Technology)
LIN, BO-REN (Urban Environment, Sustainability & Climate Change, Institute for Housing & Urban Development Studies (IHS) of Erasmus University Rotterdam)
LIU, RONG-YU (Bio-Inspired Innovation, Utrecht University)
WANG, BO-XIANG (Plant Sciences, Wageningen University & Research)
LIN, GUO-XUAN (Applied Earth Sciences, Delft University of Technology)
LIANG, ZHEN-YU (Energy for Society, Hanze University of Applied Science)
LI, YI-QIAO (Sustainable Science & Policy, Maastricht University)
YI, QI-XIN (Ocean & Environmental Law, Utrecht University)
LIN, YU-WEN (European Post-master in Urbanism, Delft University of Technology)
FAN,XING-XIN (InnoEnergy, Eindhoven University of Technology)
LIU, AI-YU (Materials Science & Engineering, Delft University of Technology)
HUANG, YU-TIAN (Forest & Nature Conservation, Wageningen University & Research)
LIAO, YI-JIE (Urbanism, Delft University of Technology)
WANG, ZI-SHAN (Agricultural Production Chain Management, Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences)
XIE, CHEN-YUN (Environmental Biology, University of Utrecht)
HUANG, HONG-XIANG (Hydroinformatics-Modelling and Information Systems for Water Management, UNESCO-IHE)
LUO,JING-XUAN (Biology: Water and Environment, Radboud University Nijmegen)
HOU, HUI-YUN (Global Business & Sustainability, Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University)
GAO, XUAN-YA (Architecture, Urbanism & Building Sciences, Delft University of Technology)
WEI, YU-JIE (Environmental Science, Wageningen University & Research)
WANG, XIAO-LANG (Industrial Ecology, Delft University of Technology)
ZHONG, ZHENG-PING (Architecture, Building and Planning, Eindhoven University of Technology)
LIANG, ZHI-CHAO (Organic Agriculture, Wageningen University & Research)
LU, JIA-XUAN (Urban Management and Development, Erasmus University, Institute for Housing and urban development)
CHEN, SI-YING (Governance and Development Policies, Erasmus University, international institute of social studies)
ZHOU JIAO, YU-NING (Arts and Heritage, Maastricht University)
HUANG, XIANG-YUN (Art in the Contemporary World and World Art Study, Leiden University)
DONG, JIA-WEI (Heritage Studies, University of Amsterdam)
CHEN, YAN-AN (Social Design, Design Academy Eindhoven)
LU, YING-CI (Industrial Ecology, Leiden University)
CHEN, WEI-SHAN (Environmental Technology, Wageningen University)
LIN, FEN-YU (Climate Studies, Wageningen University & Research)
GAO, BAO-HUI (Contextual Design, Design Academy Eindhoven)
CHEN, ZHEN (Information design, Design Academy Eindhoven)
CHEN,YI-FEI (Social Design, Design Academy Eindhoven)
LIN, XIU-JUAN (Industrial Ecology, Delft University of Technology)
LAI, HUI-LING (Development Studies (ISS), Erasmus University Rotterdam)
LAI, TING-YU (Environmental Sciences, Wageningen University & Research)
QIU, SHAO-QI (Planet Europe (erasmus mundus program), Radboud University Nijmegen)
LIN, JIA-XIAN (International Full Time MBA Program, Erasmus University Rotterdam)
HE, CAI-XUN (Architecture, Delft University of Technology)
XU, WAN-YUN (Human Geography, Radboud University)
LIU, YI-XIU (Sustainable Energy Program, Delft University of Technology)
CAO, TIAN-MIN (Operations Management& Logistics, Eindhoven University of Technology)
CHEN, YING-MEI (Dual Award in Operations Management (Newcastle and Groningen), University of Groningen)
CHEN, WEI (Environmental and Energy Management, University of Twente)
CHEN, HONG-ZHENG (Solar to Fuel via Artificial Photosynthesis, University of Amsterdam)
ZHANG, YUN-CUI (Architecture, Delft University of Technology)
CHEN, HONG-ZHU (Urban Science and Systems, Eindhoven University of Technology)
HONG, JING (Philosophy of Technology, Maastricht University)
LIN, HAN-NI (Supply Chain Management, University of Groningen)
LUO,HONG-KUN (Nanomaterial, Utrecht University)
YAN, PU-CHENG (Integrated Product Design, Delft University of Technology)
HUANG, NIAN-PING (Urbanism, Delft University of Technology)
XU, JING-SHU (Spatial, Transport and Environmental Economics, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
WU, WEI-HAN (Industrial Ecology, Leiden University and Delft University of Technology)
LAI, LAI-HONG (Green Materials, Groningen University)
JIANG,CAI-ZHEN (Urban Planning, Radboud University Nijmegen)
CHEN, ZHI-YI (Industrial Design, Delft University of Technology)
HUANG, RUO-TING (Environmental and Energy Management, University of Twente)
ZHAO, JIA-WEI (Environmental Engineering, Leiden University)
ZHONG, ZHEN-KUN (Urbanism, Delft University of Technology)
CHEN, QI-YUE (Hydraulic Engineering - Coastal Engineering and Port Development, UNESCO-IHE)
XUE, WEI-RUN (Global Business and Stakeholder Management, Erasmus University)
LAI, CI-AN (International Supply Chain Management, Fontys University)
WANG, JIA-QI (Maritime Economics and Logistics, Erasmus University Rotterdam)
LIU, YAN-LAN (Land Dynamics group, Wageningen University & Research)
CHEN, WAN-YU (International supply chain management, University of Groningen)
LIAO, RUO-QIAN (Plant Science, Wageningen University & Research)
LIN, XIN-YI (MBA, Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University)
CHEN, HONG-ZHENG (Molecular design, synthesis, and catalysis, University of Twente)
XU,WEI-RONG (Architecture and Urbanism, Berlage Institute)
HONG, ZHONG-YU (Faculty of Economics, Tilburg University)
YANG,TING-TING (MBA, TiasNimbas Business School)
HUANG, WEI-RU (Urbanism, Delft University of Technology)
DONG, JIAN-YUE (Chemical Engineering, Eindhoven University of Technology)
HE, XING-YUN (European Forestry, Wageningen University & Research / Erasmus Mundus)
WU, XING-RONG (Urbanism, Delft University of Technology)
SONG, ZHOU-YAN (Urban Planning and Management, International Institute for Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation)
LI, JING-LUE (Architecture, Urbanism and Building Science, Delft University of Technology)
LIU, ZHEN-RONG (Architecture, Berlage Institute)
QI, GUAN-TING (Law, Delft University of Technology)
YANG, JIE-CHAO (Chemical Engineering, University of Twente)
YOU,JIA-WEI (Retail Design, Willem de Kooning Academy/Piet Zwart Institute)
CHEN,HAN-RU (Architecture, Berlage Institute)
LIAO, WEI-NI (International Logistics, Fontys University of Applied Sciences)
PO, YUN-FENG (Natural Resources Management, International Institute for Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation)
XU, XIAO-LI (Environmental Sciences, Wageningen University & Research)
CHEN, MU-TIAN (Architecture, Delft University of Technology)
CHEN, DE-RONG (Leisure, Tourism, and Environment, Wageningen University & Research)
LIAO, SI-TING (Landscape Architecture and Planning, Wageningen University & Research)
LIN, JIA-YING (Urban Environmental Management, Wageningen University & Research)
ZHONG, SHI-MING (Landscape Ecology, Universiteit van Amsterdam)
ZHENG, HUI-HUA (Architecture, Delft University of Technology)
WU, XIN-PING (Sustainable Development (Energy and Resources), Utrecht University)
ZHENG, BAI-PING (Science and Technology Studies, Universiteit van Amsterdam)
ZHONG, LI-JING (Urban Environmental Management, Wageningen University & Research)
Since 2008, the British Office has been cooperating with the Delta Electronics Foundation to set up Chevening-Delta Climate Scholarships. Each year, two youth leaders devoted to Taiwan’s environmental protection are sponsored to go to study in the UK.
In lieu of the heated discussions on business environmental ethics, the Foundation in 2011 for the first time to cooperate with Chinese Business Ethics Education Association to jointly launch the project of "Delta Corporate Environmental Ethics Research Grant."
Since 2007, the Delta Electronics Foundation introduced teaching materials of "K-12 Energy Education Program, KEEP" for the energy education on campus.