Buildings and factories are major contributors to carbon emissions. As more innovative technologies emerge and some hit the market, the first Delta climate salon of 2024 is themed as the sharing of these energy-saving measures.
The event invites three representatives respectively from the International Climate Development Institute (ICDI), Delta Energy Management System Department, and Delta Research Center. They introduce how Delta makes use of weather forecasts to help our Chungli Plant 5 to achieve energy savings by 18%, how an office building becomes the first one to reach nearly zero carbon in Taiwan under the Building Energy-Efficiency Rating System, and how digital twin assists our data center, production line, and logistics in reducing energy consumption.
In Delta Chungli Plant 5, we refer to weather forecasts to decide when water-cooled chillers with varied capacity and ice storage air conditioning systems should be switched on and off. This helps reduce the excessive operation of two energy-consuming systems. In Delta Taipei Headquarters, we not only adopt multiple energy-efficient facilities such as permanent magnet direct drive motors for cooling systems and LED lighting but also reinforce the building insulation so that we can choose air conditioning with the most adequate size and capacity to avoid waste. On the other hand, we use AI cooling energy saving, parameter optimization systems, and flow optimization and analysis tools to decarbonize data centers, production lines, and logistics. These are achieved through digital twins.
The central spirit behind most of these measures is to optimize the operation of energy-intensive equipment, rather than replace these facilities. They embody the concept of "sufficiency", which is proposed by the IPCC AR6, and can avoid the demand for energy, materials, land, water, and all-natural resources while delivering human well-being for all within planetary boundaries. As the energy efficiency of different facilities improves year by year, through the event Delta hopes to point out the importance of equipment maintenance, which can also lead to considerable energy savings, but help us avoid significant expenses on replacement.